Created in collaboration with Michel Saint Hilaire

Created in collaboration with Jeannie White Bird

Photo: Jeff Vernaus

Moveable mural created with The West End Biz

Potenza's - Grand Marais, Manitoba

1901 Main Street, Winnipeg
Created with Franklin Fernando

Created With Réjean Brandt
Frame: Darrin Hopkins

Telegraph Road Strawberry Farm

New Bothwell, Manitoba

222 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk, MB
Created in Partnership with Interlake Art Board
& Selkirk Community Arts Centre

Created with Franklin Fernando

House of Economy- 246 Manitoba Ave. Selkirk, Manitoba
Created in Partnership with Interlake Art Board
& Selkirk Community Arts Centre

Created with Franklin Fernando
Mural created for PangeaSeed/ Seawalls: Artist's for Oceans. Seaport Hotel, Churchill 2017
Photo: Tre Packard @abovebelowphoto
Curated by: Kal Barteski

619 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire

The Pas, Manitoba
Celebrating the giants of Clearwater Lake

The Pas, Manitoba
Photo of the mural by André Brandt - www.andrebrandt.com

The Pas, Manitoba
Detail of Mural
The 2017 Fields unseeded. Painting of a photo by André Brandt

Sam & Alex

538 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire 2013
692 Colville Rd, East Selkirk, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire 2010
Kildonan Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire

560 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Kildonan Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
791 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire

678 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Jennifer Johnson-Mosienko &
Charlie Johnston

Regal Avenue at St, Annes, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire

The Pas, Manitoba
This is a memorable project for the participating 90+ students of Opasquia School, Joe A Ross School, and Mary Duncan School, and Scott Bateman School. Community projects are an important part of this work, art for communities with unique approaches give opportunities to learn and grow together. These students now have a project of their own, created in togetherness with a positive message.
Created in collaboration
with Michel Saint Hilaire

Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire

Mill Bay, British columbia

Created in collaboration with Michel Saint Hilaire
Created in collaboration with Jeannie White Bird
Photo: Jeff Vernaus
Moveable mural created with The West End Biz
Potenza's - Grand Marais, Manitoba
1901 Main Street, Winnipeg
Created with Franklin Fernando
Created With Réjean Brandt
Frame: Darrin Hopkins
Telegraph Road Strawberry Farm
New Bothwell, Manitoba
222 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk, MB
Created in Partnership with Interlake Art Board
& Selkirk Community Arts Centre
Created with Franklin Fernando
House of Economy- 246 Manitoba Ave. Selkirk, Manitoba
Created in Partnership with Interlake Art Board
& Selkirk Community Arts Centre
Created with Franklin Fernando
Mural created for PangeaSeed/ Seawalls: Artist's for Oceans. Seaport Hotel, Churchill 2017
Photo: Tre Packard @abovebelowphoto
Curated by: Kal Barteski
619 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
The Pas, Manitoba
Celebrating the giants of Clearwater Lake
The Pas, Manitoba
Photo of the mural by André Brandt - www.andrebrandt.com
The Pas, Manitoba
Detail of Mural
The 2017 Fields unseeded. Painting of a photo by André Brandt
Sam & Alex
538 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire 2013
692 Colville Rd, East Selkirk, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire 2010
Kildonan Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
560 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Kildonan Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
791 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
678 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Jennifer Johnson-Mosienko &
Charlie Johnston
Regal Avenue at St, Annes, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
The Pas, Manitoba
This is a memorable project for the participating 90+ students of Opasquia School, Joe A Ross School, and Mary Duncan School, and Scott Bateman School. Community projects are an important part of this work, art for communities with unique approaches give opportunities to learn and grow together. These students now have a project of their own, created in togetherness with a positive message.
Created in collaboration
with Michel Saint Hilaire
Created in collaboration with
Michel Saint Hilaire
Mill Bay, British columbia